Book recommendation

2 min readJan 24, 2024

In 2023, I read many good books, but if you ask me, I recommend two that influenced and helped me gain a lot of clarity.

The Creative Act: A Way of Being” by Rick Rubin.
Rubin emphasizes the importance of embracing uncertainty and having the courage to experiment, navigating uncharted territories of the imagination. The book highlights that genuine creativity arises from a profound connection with the creative process, requiring an open-minded approach to exploration. Throughout, Rubin inspires readers to cultivate a mindset that values intuition, spontaneity, and the willingness to take risks in order to unlock their full creative potential. Ultimately, the book serves as a guide to understanding and embracing the transformative power of creativity in one’s life.

Freedom from the Known” by Jiddu Krishnamurti delves into the pursuit of genuine freedom by breaking away from societal conditioning and preconceived notions. Krishnamurti challenges readers to liberate their minds from all forms of authority, fostering a continual state of freshness and innocence. The book explores the profound connection between freedom and self-awareness, emphasizing the need to question ingrained beliefs and biases. Krishnamurti encourages a radical approach to personal transformation, urging individuals to transcend the limitations of the known for true liberation. Overall, the work serves as a philosophical guide to understanding and achieving authentic freedom in the journey of self-discovery.

Let me know about your 2023 reading experiences. If you have read these books, what is your perspective on them? 😊

