Running: The Perfect Fit for People Who Compete Only with Themselves

Starting with a quote or a story isn’t necessary for this post. 😊
Let’s get straight to the point. Since April 2022, I have been running in a disciplined manner. Here are some benefits of being a runner:
Mornings are crucial because they set the tone for the entire day. Waking up early every day or alternate days can be challenging, but when we have a goal to achieve that rewards us with physical fitness and medals, it becomes easier to say no to laziness. Running helps me start my day with confidence, knowing that I have completed my first task of the day.
Me Time
When I run, I do not wear a headset so that I can feel the early morning with all my senses. So far, I am not a member of any running groups that run together. Most of the time, I run alone, which gives me almost an hour to myself without any distractions. During this “me time,” I think about various things, such as something I read, a pitch for a new business, a new product, something personal, preparing a presentation, or decisions to make. I find that my brain works better while I’m moving.
One Step at a Time
During the Mumbai half marathon, I was struggling with the cold morning, and I questioned why I was putting myself through this. Then, I told myself to take one step at a time and not to think about anything else. This mindset helped me break ten personal records during the run and has helped me in my professional life as well.
Easy Introductions
Nowadays, some of my client interactions begin with talking about running, which helps to break the ice. At the same time, we get to add an extra identity to ourselves. I am a designer and long-distance runner, and casual conversation about running helps build rapport.
Compete with Ourselves
We cannot run 10K on the first day, not even 1K. We gradually increase the distance and speed. Long-distance running is perfect for people like me, as we compete only with our previous achievements. Each time we surpass our previous accomplishments, we feel happy.
“Oh Sijeesh, Why are you suddenly providing advice?” you may ask.
Of course not. I’m not here to give advice. Instead, I’m here to remind us of the choices we have in life. We can either wait for our doctors to tell us to start physical activities or start before that.
Life is a choice we make at every moment.