Seamless 2024

2 min readMay 20, 2024
Seamless 2024

At a big event like Seamless Middle East & Saudi Arabia, we see many similar products with the same idea and functionalities. Yet, only a few achieve significant success. Here are some personal observations on what makes the difference:

Engineering: A well-built product is essential. In today’s market, there’s no place for minimally viable products (MVPs) or half-baked ideas. With so many options, users gravitate towards well-built and robust products.

Product Owners: I compare them to film directors who have the entire vision in mind, not just individual contributors like scriptwriters, cinematographers, or editors. While each team member plays a part, the product owner, like a director, should be able to present the overall vision in a simple and understandable way.

Design: An amazing user experience (UX) paired with a beautiful and well-crafted design can delight users and encourage them to recommend it to others. This is essential in today’s crowded market to achieve success.

Branding and Marketing: Even with amazing engineers and product owners, a product needs investment in branding and marketing. Outstanding products can languish on shelves without proper promotion. While Basecamp found success organically, it’s not a common strategy. Effective branding and marketing can attract investors and keep the product visible in a crowded market.

Investors: Years ago, Bangalore was flooded with food delivery startups. Branding, a compelling story, a clear and futuristic product roadmap, and business scalability, and more, made the difference for those that survived. Investors were drawn to these qualities, allowing them to stay competitive while others faded away. Investor funding becomes crucial at a certain stage, but the exact timing is a key decision.

