It was almost 3:30 am Sunday, Elizabeth was half asleep when she heard a knock on her bedroom window. Who is there? She got scared and shouted without taking her blanket from the face. Suddenly somebody jumped on her chest. She could wake up from the bed only after the second attempt and took the blanket off from the face. The light was on and the music was still playing from the laptop. Elizabeth couldn’t believe that it was a dream because the pressure she felt on her chest was real.
The Saturday night party was not over in the next flat. She could hear songs, shoutings and laughs. Shall I call someone and talk? Is somebody there to pick my call at 4 am? Why do human beings need someone to share their feelings?
Elizabeth switched off the lights and sat there by staring into the darkness. Thoughts were derailed and fell into an aquarium where the memories were kept as goldfishes. Those goldfishes took her for a ride to the past. When she came to the top of the aquarium she saw few ants marching towards the future. Elizabeth wanted to jump out and go with them. She tried her best but she was not able to do that. She felt the dream’s pressure on her chest…