We are moving to a new office on Feb 1st. Yesterday, we made a pre-move visit to ensure everything is in order. During this visit, an interesting incident happened when my colleague introduced me to individuals responsible for our work. What caught my attention was his subtle struggle to articulate my role in the company — a familiar experience for many Creative Strategists like myself. 😊
As Creative Strategists, we often encounter misconceptions about our roles. The blurred lines between strategy, planning, and tactics are not uncommon. Frequently, people perceive those who execute tasks as the sole “doers.” However, the realm of a strategist’s work is often unseen by the majority. It involves navigating through various phases and facets, including understanding people, cultures, businesses, and staying up-to-date with the ever-changing landscape around us.
Being a Creative Strategist requires a delicate balance between the left and right brain — a fusion of creativity and business acumen. But what exactly is strategy? According to Roger Martin, “Strategy is an integrated set of choices that positions you on a playing field of your choice in a way that you win.” It’s about choosing the right field, explaining why it’s the right one, and detailing how we’ll outshine others in serving our customers. Martin emphasizes that a great strategy must be coherent and doable. It’s not just a theoretical concept; it should translate seamlessly into actionable steps.
I dedicate this post to all the creative strategists who’ve had a hard time explaining what they do. 😊