Wrap up -2023

2 min readDec 22, 2023

As the curtain falls on another December, I find myself reflecting on the whirlwind that has been 2023. It’s been a roller coaster ride, with highs that touch the sky and lows that have tested my resilience.

The year kicked off with a triumphant start at the TCS Mumbai Marathon. The thrill of completing my second half-marathon was unparalleled, a goal I had longed to achieve. Little did I know that, as the months unfolded, these half marathons would transform into mere training runs. Recently, I completed a challenging 25 km route in Kolkata, gearing up for the ultimate test — the Full Marathon scheduled for January 2024.

One of the profound lessons this year has taught me is the power of trust in humanity. Regardless of past actions or societal judgments, I’ve learned to extend trust to those around me. It’s a leap of faith that has often proven rewarding, fostering connections and collaborations that I never thought possible. Choose to be kind, regardless of the situation.

In the realm of literature, one gem stood out in 2023 — Rick Rubin’s “The Creative Act: A Way of Being.” This book has been a guiding light, offering unique insights into the creative process. Rubin, a legendary music producer, delves into the essence of creativity, emphasizing that it’s not just an act but a way of existing. His anecdotes and wisdom have become integral to my own creative journey, urging me to embrace the process rather than fixate on the end result.

In the midst of the marathon of life, 2023 brought me to some incredible design events that proved to be more than just gatherings of like-minded individuals. These events were vibrant tapestries of inspiration, adorned with awe-inspiring speeches that resonated with my very core.

Whether in the heart of India or abroad, the shared experiences sparked a fire within me — a desire to contribute to projects that extend beyond personal ambitions. The symphony of these events led me to ponder my role in creating a larger social impact. It’s a nebulous path, and I don’t have all the answers yet. What I do know is that I’ve made a decision to take a step back in the future, to immerse myself in the world and explore avenues for meaningful change. It’s a call to nurture a generation that stands unwaveringly with nature and humanity, transcending differences that too often divide.

As the year draws to a close, I find myself grateful for the challenges, the triumphs, and the lessons embedded in each experience. Here’s to 2023 — a year that tested, taught, and ultimately transformed. As the clock ticks towards a new beginning, I carry these stories and insights with me…

The priorities and important keywords for 2024 remain the same.

Fitness and Health
Career and Business
More Clarity
More Awareness
Razor sharp communication
Slow, Steady and Progressive

Thank you!

